Sunday, March 18, 2012

The first takes from February

I've always wanted to take pictures like this and imagined how a SLR camera could capture the sun between the trees - something mobile phones and digital cameras can't. This was one of the first pictures I took and I like the contrast between the blue sky in the background and the thin trees rising and the sun in the left side.

It isn't the excitement of a branch that makes me love this picture. It is more the capturing of how the drop is hanging from it. This was also one of my first takes with my new camera. And how the colours in the picture are, is really nice. The blue background and the lovely light brown branch and a transparent drop.

The fun thing about SLR's is that they capture pictures of things that the eye doesn't normally see at first. I like the differences between sharpness and the blurry sports in this picture and how you can see every little detail on the leaves of this plant.

So this was just a start to this magical univers and a short look back to February.


Martz Pictures said...

Hey Nanna!

Det 2. billede, af træerne og solen..
hvordan får du solen til at se sådan ud? Når jeg tager billeder af solen, bliver det bare ekstremt lyst.

Nanna said...

Altså, vinklen op mod det hele. Stå det rigtige sted. Der er ikke sådan lige én måde :-)

Anonymous said...

Flotte billeder :) Jeg følger dig.
Kig gerne forbi!

Nanna said...

Tusind tak! :-)