Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I love it, when it's nice and warm outside (21 degrees). It makes me wanna just sit in the sun all day! So, I grabbed my camera as soon as I saw these tulips! They were just beautiful.
So, the first picture was fully automatic, with the "amateur" functions. I'm still getting used to it all, learning every time I hold it in my hand. It's light and easy, taken with MF.

The next picture is taken with a "professionel" function on the camera, where I put the ISO manually, which I'm not very good at using. But I like how it's darkened, though it isn't too clear. And then the little insect in the right side, is pretty cool. Didn't notice it was there til after I had taken the picture.
This is also taken with the "professional" function, though another ISO (can't remember the no. exactly). I like how strong the red colour is and that it is a very clear shoot.

1 comment:

Martz Pictures said...

Ved ikke om du ved det, men jo højere ISO, des mere grynet bliver billedet :)
Hold ISO på 100-400 og ændre på lukketiden/shutterspeeden i stedet for.. giver bedre resultater i mange tilfælde :)