Friday, June 29, 2012

Lovely animals

So, a little week ago I was in a zoo and snapped some awesome close-ups of some animals. It was a nice sunny day and I've always enjoyed seeing the different movements of them.

The first picture is taken of this sleeping beauty. It looks so soft and lovely, but I think it would've become quite mad with me if I woke it up.

I love the next picture and I think this precious bird was posing for me. I like the colours of its feathers and its lovely "hair".

The next picture is of the cutest monkeys! I love how they sit together and 2 of them are showing their teeth. I like the colours in this picture, with the grass and the water in the background.

Another monkey business, but I think this picture is great too. They're really caring for each other!

The last picture is of this turtle and though the turtle is neither cute nor pretty, I think this is a pretty cool picture.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pretty little plants

Been a while since my last posting, but the weather has been kind of lousy lately. But today the weather was sunny and warm, so I grabbed my camera and hurried into the garden to take some pictures.
The first picture is taken 'inside' the branches of a little tree. I like how the light falls upon the leaves in the left side and the blurry background. It is taken with MF.

The next picture is also with MF and i sat right next to it, to make the focus right. I think it ended with a nice result and i like the round shapes in the picture.

My favorite thing about the next picture is the little string of spiderweb in the middle, which you can just see because of the light. Pictures is taken with MF.

The last photo is just a little flower, but I like the warmness in the flowers own colours and the clearness of the middle. Taken with MF.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I love it, when it's nice and warm outside (21 degrees). It makes me wanna just sit in the sun all day! So, I grabbed my camera as soon as I saw these tulips! They were just beautiful.
So, the first picture was fully automatic, with the "amateur" functions. I'm still getting used to it all, learning every time I hold it in my hand. It's light and easy, taken with MF.

The next picture is taken with a "professionel" function on the camera, where I put the ISO manually, which I'm not very good at using. But I like how it's darkened, though it isn't too clear. And then the little insect in the right side, is pretty cool. Didn't notice it was there til after I had taken the picture.
This is also taken with the "professional" function, though another ISO (can't remember the no. exactly). I like how strong the red colour is and that it is a very clear shoot.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring ahead

The thing I love about this picture is how the little naked branch changes colour from top to bottom. They're brown low and in the top, they become beige - almost white. I'm not sure why the pink and blue is in the picture though... But fokus on the middle, that's my favorite spot, haha.

Next picture is so peaceful. A silent ocean, the sun breaking the water's surface and the darkened beach. The best detail? The little sticks in the left side. This would be beautiful to draw or paint.

Next up, another view at the beach. These sticks are there to climb, therefore the cuts into the poles. But I don't think I could do it. I haven't tried though. I like how the water has come up on the sand and wetted it and like.. marked it's territory. This is more light than the above.

Last but not least, clouds. I'm not sure whut they're supposed to look like or what they look like to me. But the thing I like about this, is how they're just two. I like how this picture is just white and blue, and how the sun brightens everything.

I feel how spring is slowly starting to show, with the sun and days with blue skies!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Oh deer

A new day of looking back! These pictures are from the beginning of march, where I was visiting a park, where there are 3 kinds of deer. I'm not sure what they're called though. What I love about the first picture, is how clear the deer is. And the brown colours are also great. Another funny thing is the male deer in the right side, just a little detail.

Isn't this tree weird? The branches are totally curly and I couldn't see a single straight one. The deer in this isn't so clear, but it is another breed of deers than the one above.

Look at the middle of the picture. Of all the deers in this picture, one is extremly aware of me standing there and looks straight at me with the ears in the air. A funny detail. But I like this picture, because of the difference from the left to the right side. It's like the whole picture moves from the left side to the right.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The first takes from February

I've always wanted to take pictures like this and imagined how a SLR camera could capture the sun between the trees - something mobile phones and digital cameras can't. This was one of the first pictures I took and I like the contrast between the blue sky in the background and the thin trees rising and the sun in the left side.

It isn't the excitement of a branch that makes me love this picture. It is more the capturing of how the drop is hanging from it. This was also one of my first takes with my new camera. And how the colours in the picture are, is really nice. The blue background and the lovely light brown branch and a transparent drop.

The fun thing about SLR's is that they capture pictures of things that the eye doesn't normally see at first. I like the differences between sharpness and the blurry sports in this picture and how you can see every little detail on the leaves of this plant.

So this was just a start to this magical univers and a short look back to February.